Motorcycle Safety secrets and guidelines

Motorcycle riding advice from a pilot and a Professional rider


Motorcycle Safety secrets and guidelines. After 40+ years of riding and 30+ years and 6000+ hours flying, I believe it is now appropriate to say a few things about riding safely. It is not the aim of this article to teach you how to ride it is up to you to gain experience. This article is about knowledge and how to use it for one purpose only to keep you safe.

The Rider

Let’s start with you, shall we? If you’re a new rider, you’ll need to join the right motorcycle clubs and hang out with older riders to gain experience, If you’re an intermediate rider you may benefit from group riding, and it’s also a good time to brush up on your equipment or learn how to service your bike. Now if you are an advanced Rider I will recommend learning about the”intermediate syndrome” (we talk about this later on)

Ride Defensively

I’ll use an example to help you grasp the concept of riding safely.

What if you were to come to a complete stop at a traffic light?

You’ve seen the traffic light and are preparing to slow down?, You must first find a way out before slamming on the brakes In an emergency, a getaway is a way out, can be moving between cars, ride on the sidewalk, change the course or other, why? Since you are riding a motorcycle and you check your rear traffic before slowing down to a stop, in case someone is texting the phone or for some other purpose, You and only you are responsible for avoiding a rear-end collision. And it’s happened a few times in my 40+ years of riding. Ride Defensively

You have a 360-degree riding area.

Pay attention on your front, sides and rear, you not driving a car, keep your senses alert for other drivers

Stay away or pass fast car blind spots. Do not drive on the backside of the tracks. Pass big vehicles quickly and keep an eye out for wind turbulence.

Let us discuss the road.

The road you’re riding on is full of secrets. Did you know the road lines in white or yellow are slick? You can cross them, but you should avoid riding on them or braking on them, particularly if they are wet.

On a turn, gravel, sand, mud, or water can be disastrous, you must slow down BEFORE the turn, I’m not even going to bring up the topic of oil spills!! Did you know that from afar, oil and water on asphalt appear to be identical? What should I do? Before you go into it, SLOW DOWN, if you have to, stop on the side of the road!

Do you know that the majority of fatal accidents occur inside the city limits? Maintain a safe distance from everyone, including your rear. Watch your back, you must always be aware of the actions of other drivers!

Keep an eye out for approaching traffic and ride in the inside lane just in case! Cellphones and texting are a big cause of accidents.

Traffic light

Your are stopped on the traffic light and waiting for green. When the green light comes on do you check left and right for incoming traffic? You must. That extra delay to look can save your life. Give that extra second or two just in case someone is crossing the RED.

Your Motorcycle

Do you keep your bike in good condition? You service the bike yourself or go to the dealer? Do you know how to check the condition of your motorcycle?

Do you know why a “preflight inspection” is so critical for pilots? With a list before EVERY flight?

Before any ride or tour, I will suggest the following!

  • Day trips: Check the bike’s tire pressure, oil pressure, engine smoothness, and any apparent defects.
  • Long trips: All of the above, plus service the bike, check all important bolts and nuts afterward, and get tire kit, tool kit, first-aid kit, and so on… The video below will show you what I bring with me on long trips.
  • Long tours: Everything listed above, plus: parts that you need to replace frequently, ( like a belt, brake pads, spark plugs, lite bulbs, etc..)
  • In the event of an emergency, learn how to perform simple roadside repairs and first aid assistance.

The Bike

Lights: I do use additional lighting on my bike, such as passing lights or fog lights, for increased visibility.

The rear light, in my opinion also needs improvement; I have installed rear LEDs on both of my bikes and recommend that you do the same if you haven’t already!

Engine: Learn to listen to your engine , I’m sure she’s speaking to you.

Bike: Keep it clean; a dirty bike can cause a variety of issues, from electrical to mechanical.

Your riding gear – Is it all about the money?

No, waterproof gloves range in price from $20 to $200, and there’s always eBay!


Every rider should know that a motorcycle helmet is the most important part of your gear …

DOT certified means have been tested for impact

Jackets and pans

Check to see if they have armor protectors.

Motorcycle Boots

Construction boots are ideal for riding, but custom motorcycle boots are the best.

Here’s a look at one of our most recent motorcycle suits and reviews.

Weather conditions

On a motorcycle tour in September a few years ago, “The Easy Rider Tour” 10 riding days -From the first three days on tour, there was a massive system moving in from the north, bringing heavy rain. Thanks to my meteorology skills, I was able to escape the rain and take safe routes during the trip, we all completed the 11-day tour DRY!

I’m sure you check the weather before getting on your bike, but maybe it’s time to brush up on your knowledge of weather systems, fronts, and clouds? Only knowing the fundamentals of meteorology will save you a lot of headaches!

Learn about turbulence

Turbulence is strong wind over obstacles, the more the the velocity the stronger and danger the turbulence. In reporting turbulence, it is usually classed as light, moderate, severe or extreme. The degree is determined by the nature of the initiating agency and by the degree of stability of the air.

Are you aware that wind gusts can be hazardous to motorcycles??

gust or wind gust is a brief increase in the speed of the wind, usually less than 20 seconds. It is of a more transient character than a squall, which lasts minutes, and is followed by a lull or slackening in the wind speed.

Here are a few resources to look at.

Weather Fronts


Intermediate Syndrome in Pilots (and riders)

What is it, exactly? You are in danger when you become overconfident. The biggest mistake is to think that we won’t make any. We all do.

Mental Awareness

  • Acknowledge the risks, don’t deny them.
  • Be aware of all the types of accidents that can happen, take all the preventions against them and, most importantly, admit that we all make mistakes and that’s why we need to follow some safety rules.
  • Listen to more experienced riders’ advice; pick a good mentor. Chances are that your riding styles will match.
  • Assess your mental and physical health.
  • Know your limits, i.e. your level. Always ask yourself, “What kind of rider am I?”
  • Question yourself about a series of incidents (forgot your helmet at home…) and take them as warnings. Make the effort to debrief.
  • Listen to your intuition. Get a sense of the road and the conditions for yourself. When in doubt, don’t ride. I think women are better at that.

Peer pressure

Stay focus. Peer pressure is the direct influence on people by peers, or the effect on an individual who is encouraged and wants to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, values or behaviors to conform to those of the influencing group or individual.

Your seventh sense

When riding a motorcycle, the most important defense is to listen to your heart. Pay attention to your gut feelings.


Motorcycle Safety is a Two-way Street

Safety First: Getting The Motorcycle Training You Need

Motorcycle Safety Tips


Steve Harley YouTube

Steve Harley

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